Jyotish Horoscope Order Information

All Vedic astrology horoscopes are prepared personally
by authentic Jyotish astrologers living in India.

Life Reading i.e. Horoscope Analysis
A Life Reading usually begins with a profile of character attributes, followed by the circumstances that that have shaped one's life. Such aspects as family, career, children, health, finances, marriage, and spirituality are examined. Significant events of the recent past are also considered, followed by current circumstances and issues. One or more Vedic remedies and/or gemstones may be recommended.
 You may ask five specific, personal questions:
Should I change jobs?
Will I succeed in business?
How can I strengthen my marriage?

The astrologer will attempt to identify the origin and possible outcome of the issue and may recommend a specific remedy or course of action.
Format: Written Report, ~ 2000+ words …....INR 15,000/-  or US $ 300
Required: Place, Date, and Time of Birth, plus dates of two events.
Download Life Reading Order Form

Marriage/Partner Compatibility Analysis
A useful analysis to help avoid disharmony between marriage or business partners. Identifies potential sources of conflict and advises for or against the match. Remedial measures may be suggested.
Format: Written Report, ~ 1000+ words …....INR 15,000/-  or US $ 300
Required: Place, Date, and Time of Birth, plus dates of two events (for each partner).
Download Partner Compatibility Order Form

Five Questions
Answers to any 5 questions strictly related to your own life. Remedial measures may be suggested.
Format: Written Report, ~ 1000+ words …....INR 15,000/-  or US $ 300
Required: Place, Date, and Time of Birth, plus dates of two events.

Download Five Questions Order Form

Future Predictions
A Review of upcoming life periods, two years. Remedial measures may be suggested.
Format: Written Report, ~ 1000+ words …....INR 15,000/-  or US $ 300
Required: Place, Date, and Time of Birth, plus dates of two events.
Download Two year Prediction Order Form

Birth Time Rectification
Determines your karmic birth time, which may be different from your actual birth time. The result is an astrological chart that accurately reflects the events and circumstances of your life. For more information see Rectification.
If you do not request rectification, all readings will be based on the birth time you provide. The charge for birth time rectification alone is INR 10,000/-  or US $ 200 When ordered together with another report, the charge is INR 5,000/-  or US $ 100 . 

Download Birth Time Rectification Order Form

Gem Recomendation
  The charge for Gen Recommendation alone is INR 10,000/-  or US $ 200.

Download Gem Recommendation Order Form

To Order a Horoscope Report . . .

Ways to order a personal horoscope report:

We Accept Donations/ Dakshina / Payment

Through UPI (Unified Payments Interface) at "ParamHansa@upi"
Through PayPal at "astrology@paramhansa.com"  

For NEFT/ RTGS Details, please eMail to Acharya@ParamHansa.Com

All these reciepts will be considered as Donations/ Dakshina only, not as Payment for Orders, hence Please DO NOT use it for Payment toward Orders, as


Please Note:
A Jyotish astrological horoscope is the opinion of one person based on his or her training and experience in Vedic astrology. Another astrologer's opinion on any particular point may differ. The horoscope you receive should not be used as a substitute for advice, programs, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional, such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or financial advisor. Paramhansa.com, Vedlink Inc. makes no warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or significance of any aspect of the astrological horoscope, and cannot be responsible for any interpretation or use that may be made of it.

Your Jyotish Horoscope will be completed and sent to you
approximately 10 - 14 days following receipt of your order.