(ooOMmm )

OM (ooOMmm ) is a most auspicious and holy sign, by which Lord Ganesa is denoted. This Omkara sound is comprised of the syllables, or fractions, (A)kara, (U)kara and (M)akara. From "AKARA" the universe took shape, from UKARA life arose, and with Makara will come the MRUTYU, or end of all, dissolving everything again into OM.

ooOMmm is Mahavakya (great expression) of the universe. It is not a word but a resonating sound, the Pranava mantra, from which the whole universe came out, and into which it will compress and dissolve after attaining its full expansion. Thus, it correlates with modern physical theories that although the universe is currently expanding it will one day reverse and collapse to its initial point.

The sound of ooOMmm is like the thickest wire of a guitar. Every mother hears it while creating a new world (a baby), and every child hears it up to 2 years of age. Once a month every male hears it suddenly for a few minutes. It feels like a blockage in the ear. At that time, the sound's vibrations are felt inside the body. In a radio telescope, the interference of this sound is known as "noise."

OM is both the starting and ending point of the universe. It is said that water dissolves in air, air dissolves in space, space dissolves in the universe, the universe dissolves in God, and God dissolves in Naad (the resonating sound of OM). Thus, OM is the Naad, the Mahavakya, of our universe.

However, "we" are nowhere in it, neither have we been nor will we ever be. Our presence is but a temporary illusion.



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